Zoom Whitening

We know First impressions are vital in this day and age from that job interview to the wedding of your dreams

so we know how important a fresh white truly beautiful smile is. 

Over time our teeth can discolour due to the foods we eat, the drinks we have and also just due to the ageing process.

Whiter Teeth 8 Shades

Here at Selandra dental we offer a few options of whitening so you can have that great white smile that everyone loves.

  • Phillips ZOOM is a in chair whitening system this shows results in as little as an hour! 
  • Personal Take home kits that are Quick, Easy and pain free and can be done in the privacy of your own home.
  • Pre loaded Take home kits, now it doesn't get any easier!

We do recommended that you come in for a  consultation to discuss with your dentist what one will be the best you.